How To Clean a Pizza Stone: 9 Best Steps

Pizza stones arrive in various shapes and estimates and are somewhat modest to purchase – at any rate, contrasted with developing a block broiler on your terrace!

I like square or square-shaped stones since they fit well in my stove and proposition a touch of room on one or the other side of my pizza. So, how do you use and clean pizza stone?

I used to have a round pizza stone. However, I occasionally spill pizza fixings onto my stove because there wasn’t much additional room around the edges.

What You’ll Need to Clean Pizza Stone

  1. Silicone pan scraper
  2. Dishcloths
  3. Nylon brush
  4. Baking soda
  5. Drying rack

How To Clean a Pizza Stone: Steps

Cleaning a pizza stone is a simple process, but it’s important to do it correctly to ensure the stone remains in good condition and doesn’t retain any unwanted flavors.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean a pizza stone:

Step 1: Allow the Stone to Cool

After using your pizza stone, please turn off the oven and allow it to cool completely. Please do not attempt to clean the stone while it’s still hot, as it can cause damage and increase the risk of burns.

How to Clean a Pizza Stone

Step 2: Remove Excess Residue

Use a spatula or a stiff brush to scrape off any excess food, cheese, or burnt bits from the surface of the pizza stone. Be gentle to avoid scratching the stone.

Step 3: Avoid Soap and Water

Pizza stones are porous and can absorb liquids, including soap. Never use soap or submerge the stone in water; this can ruin the stone and create a soapy taste in your future pizzas.

Step 4: Dry Cleaning

To gently remove stubborn or stuck-on residue, use a dry cloth or a soft brush to scrub the surface. Don’t worry if some discoloration remains; it’s normal for a well-seasoned pizza stone.

Step 5: Salt Paste (if Needed)

If stubborn stains or grease are on the stone, create a salt paste by mixing water and coarse salt. Spread the paste on the affected areas and let it sit for a few minutes.

Then, scrub gently with a soft brush or cloth. Once clean, wipe away any excess salt residue.

Step 6: Baking Soda Paste (If Needed)

Another option for tough stains is to create a paste using baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the stains, leave it for a few minutes, and then gently scrub with a soft brush or cloth. Wipe away any remaining paste.

baking soda stick to clean pizza stone

Step 7: Season the Stone (Optional)

Over time, the seasoning on the pizza stone may wear off. To maintain its non-stick properties, you can season the stone occasionally by lightly rubbing it with a thin layer of cooking oil before heating it in the oven for an hour.

Step 8: Rinse (Optional)

If you use a salt or baking soda paste, rinse the stone under running water. However, make sure to dry the stone thoroughly before using it again.

Step 9: Storage

Store the pizza stone in a cool, dry place once it is clean and dry. Avoid stacking heavy objects on top of it to prevent any potential damage.

What is the Best Way to Clean a Pizza Stone?

The best way to clean a pizza stone is without soap or water. After using the pizza stone, allow it to cool completely. Then, remove any excess residue or stuck-on food by gently scraping it off with a spatula or stiff brush. Avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch the stone.

You can create a paste using coarse salt and water or baking soda and water for stubborn stains or grease. Apply the paste to the affected areas and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, scrub gently with a soft brush or cloth to lift the stains.

What is the Best Way to Clean a Pizza Stone

Rinse the stone under running water only if necessary, but dry it thoroughly before using it again.

Avoid soap, as pizza stones are porous and absorb liquids, leaving unwanted flavors in your future pizzas. Also, never submerge the stone in water, damaging it and compromising its integrity.

For periodic maintenance, you can season the pizza stone by lightly rubbing it with a thin layer of cooking oil before heating it in the oven for an hour. This will help maintain its non-stick properties.

Store the clean and dry pizza stone in a cool, dry place, ensuring not to stack heavy objects on top of it to prevent damage.

Why You Need to Clean a Pizza Stone

Cleaning your pizza stone is essential for several reasons. The porous nature of the stone or ceramic material means that the flavorful ingredients like tomato sauce, oil, cheese, and pesto can seep into its surface.

Even if it appears clean on the surface, residues can linger beneath. Failing to clean it properly can lead to these residues turning rancid over time, adversely affecting the taste of your upcoming pizzas. Moreover, it can pose a health hazard if harmful bacteria accumulate. Regular cleaning is necessary to ensure your pizza stone maintains its quality and hygiene.

How Often to Clean a Pizza Stone

After every use, you should clean a pizza stone to remove any leftover debris from baking your pizza. At a minimum, give it a quick wipe down, but ideally, clean it thoroughly once it has cooled off. This regular cleaning routine helps maintain the stone’s hygiene and ensures it’s ready for your next pizza-making adventure.

More FAQs

How to Maintain Your Pizza Stone?

To maintain your pizza stone’s longevity, clean it after each use and promptly tackle any stubborn residues or stains. Avoid using soap, similar to caring for a cast iron skillet, as it can leave unwanted flavors. However, pizza stones do not require seasoning unlike cast iron, so never apply oil. With regular cleaning and gentle handling, your pizza stone should serve you well for a lifetime.

How do I clean a burned pizza stone?

Cleaning a burned pizza stone can be a simple process. Start by letting the stone cool down completely to avoid any thermal stress. Gently scrape any large, burnt-on food particles with a plastic or wooden scraper. Next, create a paste using baking soda and water, applying it generously to the stained or burnt areas. Allow the paste to sit for at least 30 minutes to loosen the residue. Then, softly scrub the stains with a non-abrasive scrubbing pad or a soft-bristle brush. Thoroughly rinse the stone with warm water to remove all traces of the paste, and ensure it’s completely dry before using or storing it.

How should you store pizza stones?

Avoid stacking or placing heavy objects on top to store pizza stones safely. Store them in a dry, cool place, away from direct heat sources and moisture. Use a separate rack in the oven to ensure it’s not resting on the heating element. These precautions will help protect your pizza stone and prolong its lifespan for future culinary adventures.

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